Glendover School Renovation

Following Is Information Received Regarding Glendover School Renovation

Trailers! by Cathy Fine, Glendover Elementary Principal

Glendover Elementary will undergo some major changes as we begin renovation. The first of these changes arrived over the Winter Break and I am sure you all have been wondering what’s going on. The renovation at Millcreek Elementary was finished in November. The 14-room multiplex that housed students during the renovation was moved to Glendover about 5 months ahead of schedule. This multiplex will house about half of our students for the two year period of renovation.

The renovation is scheduled in three phases. I have outlined those phases below so that you have a timetable of what is to take place. The following three phases are projected information and dates. The details are not finalized. However, this is the outline of what the order of renovation most likely will be.

Phase 1
The West Wing (Wing along Bellefonte Rd.)
– Renovate existing rooms
– Add four new classrooms
– 14 total classrooms and 3 resource rooms displaced
– No connector hallway to library from primary side
– Projected Dates: June 2013 – January 2014

Phase 2
The East Wing (Wing closest to Rebecca Rd.)
– Primary wing is finished
– 17 classrooms from the intermediate side are displaced
– No connector to the library from intermediate or primary
hallways (Maybe an outside walkway)
– Projected Dates: February 2014 – August 2014

Phase 3
Front Office Area
– Tear down current front office
– Renovate gym and cafeteria addition
– Administration/Front office moves to new Art room
– Temporary “front door” moved to Bellefonte side door
– Gym becomes the temporary cafeteria
– Library books move around on carts
– Projected dates: August 2014 – March 2015

We are excited that our first step to being renovated happened ahead of schedule! I know our new school will be worth the wait.

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