Under the pavement on Lansdowne Drive is a concrete base that is failing and that is creating a problem. If we paved the street like other streets the new pavement would not last more than a couple of years. So we are trying a new method and have been preparing to do this process. You may notice crews working on cuts on Lansdowne Drive between Tates Creek Road and the New Circle Road underpass. They are doing prep work for the new process that we hope to have funding to do in the next fiscal year that begins in July 2012. Here is what our Streets and Roads Director just sent us yesterday.
We are progressing with the work on Lansdowne Drive and plan to be finished in four to six weeks with the concrete base failure repairs. We will be preparing an estimate to include in the FY2013 Paving Plan to resurface Lansdowne Drive starting at Tates Creek Road and continuing to the newly paved section at Thistleton Drive.